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Ingress Resistance Global Networking Community

A community focused on networking and communication, Big Regional Resistance Network (BRRN) is a global collective of agents with the sole purpose of connecting Ingress communities and agents together worldwide. BRRN focuses on communication to get agents in touch with one another for travel and for contacts in remote areas. BRRN members are liaisons to their community and a point of global contact.

What is BRRN? - a 5 minute guide infographics now available! (In Catalan, English, French, German, Japanese, Norwegian, and Spanish)

Resistance agents looking to start operations can use BRRN as a reference point for communication in communities to plan operations and other events. BRRN provides tools and resources for agents to network and start operations, but does not create operations or run them.

If you are looking for Resistance agents in other areas, look for a BRRN liaison in your local community or one of your regional chats. If you are in a local community without an agent in BRRN, talk with a BRRN agent about becoming a member of BRRN to expand our network.